पारंपारिक अळूचं फतफतं | Ganesh Chaturthi Special | Alu Cha Fatfata | Alu Chi Patal Bhaji

Описание к видео पारंपारिक अळूचं फतफतं | Ganesh Chaturthi Special | Alu Cha Fatfata | Alu Chi Patal Bhaji

Watch and learn how to make Alu Cha Fatfata, a traditional Maharashtrian Alu Chi Patal Bhaji from chef Varsha Patil on Busy Bee Kitchen.

This Alu cha Fatfata is specially for Ganesh Chaturthi as it does not have garlic and onion it it. Like, share & subscribe to Busy Bee Kitchen.

#GaneshChaturthi #BusyBeeKitchen #AluChaFatfata


Colocasia Leaves
1 tbsp Coconut
2-3 Green Chilies
2 Cups Water
2 tbsp Chana Dal
1/4th Cup Peanuts
2 tbsp Oil
1/4th tsp Mustard
1/4th tsp Cumin
1/4th Asafeotida
1/4th tsp Turmeric
2 tbsp Tamarind Pulp
Gram Flour Paste
Salt to taste

Host & Chef: Mrs. Varsha Patil
Directed & Edited by: Anagha Dikay

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