
Описание к видео #TakeAction

Register to vote here: http://bit.ly/18MRjubilee

Tweet: http://clicktotweet.com/aPD12 | FB: http://on.fb.me/R1CyhJ

Don't Vote??? No, that's not it... #TakeAction. Make your voice heard!

There are approximately 18 million Asians and Pacific Islanders in the United States and in 2008, only 55% of Asian American citizens of voting age registered to vote - Yikes...

18MillionRising is about you, your friends, your cousins, your aunties, your whole community. It's about making our voices heard...on Election Day. Visit our friends at http://bit.ly/18MRjubilee RIGHT NOW to register to vote.

18MR is about us, all 18 million of us.

Produced for a campaign by the Jubilee Project and International Secret Agents (ISA). In partnership with 18 Million Rising, an initiative to amplify Asian Pacific Islander American political voices and grow our movement.

Jubilee Project and ISA are raffling off three autographed "(Don't) VOTE" Scripts, autographed by everyone in the video. To win an autographed script: 1. Register to vote at http://bit.ly/18MRjubilee 2. Tweet your pledge to vote in the upcoming elections, and include in your tweet: "@JubileeProject @ISAtvOfficial #TakeAction 18mr.org" The Jubilee Project and ISA will choose three random winners to receive the signed scripts.

Jubilee Project:    / jubileeproject  
ISAtv:    / isatv  
Arden Cho:    / ardenbcho  
Cathy Nguyen:    / lilcdawg  
Clara Chung:    / claracmusic  
David Choi:    / davidchoimusic  
David So:    / davidsocomedy  
Far East Movement:    / fareastmovementvevo  
Fung Bros:    / fungbroscomedy  
JK Films:    / justkiddingfilms  
Kevjumba:    / kevjumba  
Legaci:    / legaci  
Ricky Shucks:    / ibeshucks  
Timothy Delaghetto:    / timothydelaghetto2  
Wong Fu Productions:    / wongfuproductions  

Special thanks:
Graphic Design: Nicholas Tasato
Motion Graphic: Jason Tenandar |    / dmooncakeproductions  

Follow and Subscribe:
@18millionrising | 18mr.org
@jubileeproject |    / jubileeproject  
@ISAtvOfficial |    / isatv  

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