How to make a simple inverter from old smps 12v to 200v AC.

Описание к видео How to make a simple inverter from old smps 12v to 200v AC.

How to make a simple inverter from old smps 12v to 200v AC.
how to make a simple inverter from old computer smps power supply at home.

Components list:👇👇

ATX transformer.
13007×2 Transistor.
1N5406×2 Diode.
1.0 uf 250v capacitor.
1k×2 Resistor.
330uf 200v ×2 Capacitor
12v Battery.

Inverter using the 13007 NPN power transistor is a common DIY electronics project. The 13007 transistor can handle moderate power levels and can be used to create a simple inverter circuit. Below is a basic circuit and description for making an inverter using the 13007 transistor.13007 transistor acts as the main amplifying component. mini inverter It switches the current flow through the load to create an alternating current (AC) , How to make a simple inverter from old smps 12v to 200v AC resistor connected to the Base of the 13007 transistor limits the current flowing into the Base, protecting the transistor from excessive current. how to make mini inverter.

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