Invest Five Percent On Every Dollar Remittance To Save Public Schools in Nigeria

Описание к видео Invest Five Percent On Every Dollar Remittance To Save Public Schools in Nigeria

BRG is calling on Nigerians in the Diaspora to invest 5% on every dollar they remit to save public education in Nigeria. We are inviting Nigerian retirees to join hands with us to help develop our communities across Nigeria. As this video shows, I'm leading by example. I'm committed to spending months in my village in Nigeria to help educate students and invest in grassroots economic development. We are currenting working with Gari Producers to help upscale production by branding, packaging, standardizing, marketing, distribution etc.

As Baby Boomers we have contributed a great deal to America and have handed over the economic baton to our children and grandchildren. Most of us left Nigerian in its prosperity phase and we must now look back and better coordinate our resources to give back.

Nigerians in America remit over $25 billion annually and 5% equals $1.5 billion. This is a huge amount of money that would yield better return on investment if strategically consolidated and invested in education and micro economy in Nigeria.

We hope you'd join us.


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