Душераздирающий щенок хаски, которому всего несколько недель, найден на улице, не переставая плакать

Описание к видео Душераздирающий щенок хаски, которому всего несколько недель, найден на улице, не переставая плакать

Heartbreaking Only Weeks Old Husky Puppy Found on the street, Non Stop Crying, Watch Him Thrive Now!

SUBSCRIBE: https://goo.gl/SX4rTY

We received an URGENT call last evening. An 8 week old husky pup was brought into the shelter with his head smashed. This injury was definitely human caused. The people that surrendered him stated that they found him on their street. He was rushed to a hospital and they are trying to save his life. BB Bear is stable but totally out of it.…X-rays are SHOCKING. The police are involved.

For rescue dog inquiries and collabs, email [email protected]
Web: http://hellodanes.com/


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