Mother 32 Tracking Correction with the V-SCALE from AJH SYNTH - Fix those out-of-tune External VCO's

Описание к видео Mother 32 Tracking Correction with the V-SCALE from AJH SYNTH - Fix those out-of-tune External VCO's

Following on from last week's video showing some ways to expand the sonic capabilities of your Moog Mother-32, this video details the use of the V-SCALE Eurorack module to fix tracking issues with external VCO's and synths. Previous video here:    • Expanding the Mother 32 - Sub-octaves...  
The Mother-32 is semi-modular in itself, but it also provides a gateway into Eurorack modular with minimal investment, for those who are unsure if it is for them. Even a single Eurorack module can make a big difference to your sound and capabilities. Since the Mother-32 only has 1 oscillator (and no sub-bass/sub-octave generator), the most obvious choice for many would be adding an external VCO. However, this can result in tuning issues between the synth itself and any external oscillators controlled by the synth's KB output (1V/Oct CV output). This is due to the output impedance, which can cause the 1V/Oct CV signal to become inaccurate, and mean that external VCO's can be out-of-tune within the space of a single octave. This problem gets worse as additional VCO's are loaded onto this pitch CV, affecting it's current.
The V-SCALE is a 5-way active buffer, in it's simplest form serving as an accurate buffered multiple, but more uniquely it is designed to address tracking issues encountered between modules or synths. It has a very high input impedance, and a very low output impedance - this alone can fix many tracking problems simply by connecting it between the misbehaving modules/synths. However, 4 of the 5 outputs are also adjustable - this is particularly useful for synths and modules that simply do not track correctly and need calibrating, something that can be difficult or near-impossible to change depending on the unit. This means it can also be used to to adjust the calibration of anything that needs strong 1V/Oct tracking, such as a self-oscillating filter/VCF when used as a melodic oscillator.

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Check out the AJH Synth playlists for module 'User Guides', and 'Patch of The Week' videos, which will be either performances or 'how to' guides, detailing functions/methods, and a range of sounds, some familiar, some less so, containing a patch sheet at the end to show you how to construct it for yourself.

Video by    / dreamsofwires  

00:00 Intro
00:27 Overview of the issue
01:47 Mother 32 direct to external VCO
04:19 To external VCO via V-SCALE
05:47 3 VCO's via passive multiple
07:13 Passive multiples + V-SCALE
10:24 Testing with a different VCO

more VCOs mother-32 add vco to mother32 suboctave suboctaves subbass audio input ext audio in cv correction fix scaling tracking won't track my synth 1 volt per octave keyboard sequencer problem out of tune issue

#ajhsynth #eurorack #mother32


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