Social | Dwarka Sec 14| Vegas Mall | Pre Lockdown outing

Описание к видео Social | Dwarka Sec 14| Vegas Mall | Pre Lockdown outing

Very famous and happening place for office meetings to hanging out with friends or dating anyone.I have been there in HauzKhas Social for two times and in cyber hub one time. I always loved their ambiance, music, crowd and food of course. But every single time I have wait minimum 20-50 mins to get our seats.

Dwraka Social
Vegas Mall
Dwarka sec 14,
5 th Floor
New Delhi

Hauz Khas Social
Deer park
New Delhi

Neheru place Social
Epicuria Food Mall
Upper Ground Floor
Neheru Place Metro Station
New Delhi

Vasant Kunj Social
Ambience Mall
Third Floor
New Delhi

Cyber Hub
Ground floor


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