(Control) 1. I wish to shoot [Gold Ooze VTuber]

Описание к видео (Control) 1. I wish to shoot [Gold Ooze VTuber]

I bought this game for my friend years ago. Can I beat it before he does?

#control #controlgameplay #controlgame

  / goldooze  

Live: #OozeTimeLive
Art: #GoldOozeArt
Assets: #OozeShoes
Meme: #GottaBeOozinMe


[Viewer Rules]
Please follow the rules. There's always going to be some leeway. Really just don't be a d.

1. Just chill out here. Don't spam too much or start flamin' peeps.
2. Try to keep conversations about the stream. Don't ask Jimbo about his new hat he got.
3. Backseat a little if I eff up, I expect to get flamed a bit. Just don't flame others.
4. Have fun. You are required to have fun!


#envtubers #vtuber #envtuber


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