Every beginner must learn top 10 React Hooks, if you want to launch the job quickly?

Описание к видео Every beginner must learn top 10 React Hooks, if you want to launch the job quickly?

Hello Dev's, in this video I spoke about the top 10 React hooks must learn.
Every beginner must learn top 10 React Hooks, if you want to launch the job quickly?

1. useState (Simple Statemanagement)

2. useReducer (Complex Statemanagement)

3. useEffect (Side Effects)

4. useRef (access DOM)

5. useCallback (Memorize function)

6. useMemo (Memorize return value)

7. useContext ( Avoid pass props manually at every level of component)

8. useLayoutEffect ( A variation of useEffect that runs synchronously after DOM mutations, useful for measuring DOM elements or synchronizing state with layout effects.)

9. useImperativeHandle: Facilitates communication between parent and child components using a ref, allowing the parent to access imperative methods of the child.

10. Custom Hooks: share common logic b/w components same like HOC (if you want to create custom hook you should use the “use” keyword).

#reactjs, #hooks, #software, #typescript, #coding


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