What to Expect From Rosary in a Year w/ Fr. Mark-Mary

Описание к видео What to Expect From Rosary in a Year w/ Fr. Mark-Mary

What is Rosary in a Year? Why is Ascension doing a Rosary in a Year Podcast, and who is Father Mark-Mary Ames? What is Fr. Mark-Mary going to talk about for a full year? If you did Bible in a Year or Catechism in a Year, here comes a whole new gift with Fr Mark-Mary, a CFR priest, as we dive into the prayers of the Rosary!

It turns out Rosary in a Year is not just praying the Rosary every day for a year! In this new Ascension Presents Rosary in a Year Podcast with Father Mark-Mary, it's time to learn how to pray the Rosary better and break down the prayers of the Rosary. Rosary in a Year YouTube is here to answer your Catholic Rosary questions and help you know who Fr Mark-Mark Ascension is and what they have planned for this new Catholic Rosary Podcast!

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#Rosary #rosaryinayear #CatholicLink
Join Drew and Katie Taylor as they sit down with Father Mark-Mary to discuss this new project and the power of the Rosary in a Year Podcast for all Catholics! Let's join together to learn how to pray better and precisely how to pray the Rosary better!!!

***QUESTION of the DAY - Did you do Bible in a Year or Catechism in a Year, and will you be joining for Rosary in a Year?


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