All Kacchako Moments So Far | Spoilers

Описание к видео All Kacchako Moments So Far | Spoilers

0:00 - 0:19 Season 1 Episode 5
Bakugou reacted to her throwing infinity, which is cute because his ego would have in reality been like 'Yeah but I could do better' which he couldn't...
Uraraka watched Bakugou talk about Deku, and looked slightly worried, then when he runs she looks worried also.

0:20 - 0:42 Season 1 Episode 6
Uraraka remembered Deku's 'name' because of Bakugou.
They are seen standing together, height difference is cute, to be honest.
Their questions are complete opposites of each other. Which could go along with the trope of 'opposites attract'.

0:43 - 1:03 Season 1 Episode 8
Uraraka talking about Bakugou, saying that THEY (she could have helped) tried to stop him.
The first hint that Uraraka already knows how Deku and Bakugou's relationship is.

1:04 - 1:17 Season 1 Episode 9
Uraraka voted Deku for class president and whispered to not tell Bakugou about choosing him.
Uraraka enjoys Bakugou's talking (well screaming)

1:18 - 1:28 Season 2 Episode 2
Uraraka reacting to Bakugou's backtalking/trash talking towards the other classes.

1:29 - 1:35 Season 2 Episode 6
Ah yes, Bakugou not knowing Uraraka by name. And Uraraka reacting in a gasp
Uraraka uses the cheering to relieve the stress of her future battle vs Bakugou.

1:36 - 2:17 Season 2 Episode 8
Uraraka rejects Deku's plan and makes her own.
Bakugou vs Uraraka sign :)
Start of their battle, aka the best episode to show their strength (especially Uraraka)

2:18 - 3:36 Season 2 Episode 9
Pink cheeks. (I love this nickname A LOT)
Battle begins
Not shown
Aizawa tells the crowd that Bakugou KNOWS Uraraka is strong.
Uraraka outplays Bakugou (but fails)
Bakugou ALMOST losses: He said, "That was close."
He calls her "Uraraka"
They both wanted to keep going and Bakugou smiled at the challenge until she fell.
He doesn't look happy from beating Uraraka, he doesn't have a reaction. This is rare after a battle for Bakugou because of his ego.
Bakugou finds out Deku did not make the plan, Uraraka did.
"She's not frail"
Uraraka accepting her loss because she states that Bakugou is stronger and she wants to train more

3:37 - 3:46 Season 2 Episode 13
Bakugou made her want to train more

3:47 - 3:52 Season 2 Episode 20
Uraraka realized Deku's moves are just like Bakugou's

3:53 - 4:01 Season 2 Episode 21
Same thing as episode 20 but she looks concerned
They both hold their pencil/pen and play with it while taking tests, it's cute.
Them standing beside each other like usual :)

4:02 - 4:06 Season 3 Episode 1
Bakugou is looking straight ahead, which is around Uraraka's standing. He is NOT looking at Iida or to the side like Kirishima is.

4:07 - 4:21 Season 3 Episode 3
Uraraka complimenting Bakugou's knife skills
This scene is a theory so here:
Uraraka is in Team 5, Ojiro is in Team 6 and Bakugou was above them in around Team 3 I think. He could have traded teams with ANYONE because he doesn't want to be with Todoroki, however, he chooses Ojiro's team. They are right behind Uraraka, so if Uraraka got scared and ran backwards...she would go into Ojiro's Team. So the theory is that he wanted to be there for her.

4:22 - 4:30 Season 3 Episode 8
Uraraka understanding Bakugou.

4:31 - 4:36 Season 3 Episode 13
Uraraka and Bakugou being on Floor 4.
Uraraka remembering what floor Bakugou is on.

4:37 - 4:45 Season 3 Episode 14
Uraraka complimenting Bakugou on his explosions.

4:46 - 5:11 Season 3 Episode 20
He says her name "Uraraka"
He wants her to do the big work AND he remembers her quirk
She agrees
He doesn't yell at her as he would normally
He doesn't talk back when she mentions the smoke

5:12 - 5:21 Season 4 Episode 15
Showing a scene of Uraraka THEN Bakugou being in there because he was "worried about them"

5:22 - 5:32 Season 4 Episode 19
Uraraka imaging Bakugou on drums

5:33 - 5:35 Opening (Season 4) and ONA 1 Opening
Their transition between them
Them on screen

5:36 - 5:48 ONA 1
Uraraka mention Bakugou's behavior

5:38 - 5:46 ONA 2
Uraraka mentioning/telling the class that Bakugou is strong and will be fine
Uraraka floating Bakugou/Deku and trying to get them to stop fighting

5:47 - 5:57 OVA 1
Uraraka talking normally to Bakugou's screaming
Standing beside each other
About to murder All Might

5:58 - 6:21 The Two Heroes (Movie)
Another hint that Uraraka understand Bakugou and Deku's relationship
Bakugou saving Uraraka

6:22 - 7:03 Heroes Rising (Movie)
Uraraka saying "Come on!" to Bakugou rejecting her job request (idk what it's called?)
Uraraka looking at Bakugou worried, yes she is looking at Bakugou as her eyes are going to her right which is Bakugou
They stand beside each other again gasp
Bakugou saving Uraraka
Bakugou getting jealous/mad because Deku saved Uraraka AND she was hurt

Memento Mori.


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