Results Exploration Enhancements - Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2023

Описание к видео Results Exploration Enhancements - Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2023

Results exploration enhancements :

Ability to Display Displacement Individually for XYZ Directions

To help users better understand and measure displacement impact in the context of a given coordinate system’s axes, we enabled assessment of structural behavior in terms of displacements in separate directions or the total value.

You can display displacement values in a selected global direction X, Y, Z, or the total value U. Go to the Parameters tab, turn on Diagram Description in the form of labels or text and choose Nodal displacement direction to be displayed.

Usability improvements for Results exploration and diagrams/maps display in the areas of:

You can set the color for results presentation in the form of crosses directly from the Results Map dialog box, so there is no need to look for it in display Preferences when you want to change the color for displayed crosses.
Enhanced results map legend with the top or bottom envelope information when maps are displayed for the selection of multiple load cases. Having it labelled on a screenshot will allow you to more easily verify that you are looking at the right results when checking and preventing mistakes.


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