My Grandfather (180 Short Film Competition)

Описание к видео My Grandfather (180 Short Film Competition)

This winning video of the "180 Short Film Competition" (Professional Category) by Ray Pang Yoong Hui depicts the story of a teenage girl who recalls her memories of her grandfather whenever she encounters elderly cleaners.

The "180 Short Film Competition" was conceptualised to heighten the appreciation and encourage respect for frontline workers in the Cleaning, Security, Landscape, Floristry and Social Service sectors, and the important role they play in society.

Organised by the Singapore Media Academy (SMA) and supported by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) together with other industry sponsors, the participants were tasked to produce a compelling, creative, touching, aspiring and yet informative short film with the theme "Appreciating our Frontliners in the Cleaning, Security, Landscape, Floristry and Social Services industries".

For more information on the competition, please go to


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