সুন্দরবনের গল্প – কাঁটাপীর || Sundarabanera_Galpa_Kantapir || History ||Architecture || Ancient ||

Описание к видео সুন্দরবনের গল্প – কাঁটাপীর || Sundarabanera_Galpa_Kantapir || History ||Architecture || Ancient ||

Kantapir__Harisankarpur :- Kantapir temple located in Harisankarpur village under Magrahat police station of south 24 parganas , West Bengal, India . According to local sources, this place was once part of the Sundarbans. At that time the people of this place found seven underground rocks.In those ancient times when a man was injured by a poisonous thorn worship in this place would get rid of that injury. From that time the name of this temple is kantapir. The temple of kantapir consisting of idols of Panchanan, Maa Shitala, Dakshindar, Bipadtarini and Radhakrishna. The main festivals of this temple are – Hajatdan, Harinam, Mahadev`s Chashpala, and Shivaratri. The current priest of this temple is Nepal Banerjee. Althought this temple has been established since ancient times, it was rebuilt in 2017 AD.
Historical Information :- Anil Tarapdar, Harananda Mandal, Bimal Pandit.
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Music credit - https://mixkit.co/
YouTube Audio Libray.
Artist - Emmit Fenn
Album - Wander
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