How To Turn Your Negatives Into Positives: Out Of The Ashes You Will Rise. Tai Lopez Thought Of Day

Описание к видео How To Turn Your Negatives Into Positives: Out Of The Ashes You Will Rise. Tai Lopez Thought Of Day

The question that I get the most is, "How did you turn your life around?" "How were you able make it in business with only $47 in your bank account?" And the answer is that you should be your happiest when you're at your lowest point in your life. Now that sounds a bit farfetched, but hear me out. "When you succeed you party. When you fail you ponder" This quote is straight from a Tony Robbins' book that my mom gave me when I was sleeping on a couch which completely changed the trajectory of my life. This quote reminded me that when something in your life isn't going right, whether it's your finances being a wreck or you getting dumped by a partner, that is the best time for you to ponder. When you fail you should take time to think and reassess, that way you can come back even stronger than you were before. My second mentor Allan Nation said that the definition of an entrepreneur is someone that recreates the world in their own image. So remember when you think you're down and out you really have the clearest path to recreating your world in the exact way you want it.


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