The Entertainer Psardo Harmonicas

Описание к видео The Entertainer Psardo Harmonicas

"The Entertainer" Scott Joplin
The Harmonica: Chromatic 48 Special
The Pianist: Greg Sankovich
Recorded 8/12/20 (one take)

I own many top $ harmonicas but I reach for the Psardo
because I love the way it feels to play it playsrtight !
People keep asking me:
Are Psardo harmonicas worth the price?
In my opinion, YES!
If you are a serious chromatic player, I think that you will be
very happy with a Psardo harmonica!
I have been reviewing harmonicas for many years and would not endorse any harmonicas (for free gear, money or any other reason)
unlessI believed in the product.

Ken Leiboff


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