160th Perryville KY Battle Civil War Reenactment

Описание к видео 160th Perryville KY Battle Civil War Reenactment

The Civil War Battle of Perryville took place on October 8, 1862. This video was filmed at the reenactment, 160 years, and one day later.

In September 1862, the states of the Union were experiencing an invasion by two Confederate Armies. Robert E. Lee’s Army of North Virginia in Maryland and Braxton Bragg’s Army of Mississippi in Kentucky, not to mention Edmund Kirby Smith’s Army of East Tennessee, who Bragg was hoping to link up with in Kentucky to defeat the Union forces there.

Once Bragg entered Kentucky, Don Carlos Buell’s Army of the Ohio gave chase into the Bluegrass State. Bragg could have engaged Buell around Louisville, but decided to link up with Smith, who was near Lexington and Richmond. Bragg himself, went to Frankfort and installed a Confederate governor and then rejoined his army southwest of Lexington. Buell secured both Louisville and marched toward Bragg’s Army concentrating near the town of Perryville.

The Battle of Perryville opened at about 3 AM on October 8, 1862.

Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery battles
Snake Oil Salesman
Sutlers (vendors): Dirty Billys hats,
Dancing: Social Dancing

Youtube thumb photo credit to our pard Dan Mitchell


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