In Conversation with Dr. Patrick Awuah(The Founder & President of Ashesi University)

Описание к видео In Conversation with Dr. Patrick Awuah(The Founder & President of Ashesi University)

In 2003, I was contemplating a career in education after a brief stint in banking. Like major decisions in life, it’s bound to come with some fear and uncertainty. I wasn’t sure if I was making the right decision but thank God for TED talks. I watched a TED talk by Dr. Patrick Awuah(Founder & President of Ashesi University) and I was blown away & I knew in that moment without any shadow of doubt that my decision to pursue a career in education was the right decision. In the talk he spoke about the transformational power of education and its potential to kick start a renaissance in Africa & that the manner in which Africa educates its leaders will be fundamental to progress on the continent.
I have been teaching for 14 years now & it’s been one of the best life decisions I have ever made by the grace of God🙏🏾
So you can imagine my depth of gratitude and how awestruck I was when I was granted this very rare opportunity to meet with him and to ask him for an interview. I could not believe he said yes to my interview request!!!! In the interview debrief before the actual interview, I was full of questions but he was so gracious and answered all my questions and even gave me such valuable advice even down to wisdom on choosing a spouse(would you believe it). What struck me the MOST when I met him was his humility for a man who has achieved so much & who if not for his courageous decision to move back to Ghana and start Ashesi I probably would not have been bold in following my heart to pursue a career in teaching.
I pray that as you watch this interview may you be inspired, blessed & motivated to make a difference in your own sphere of influence.


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