Webinar - Robotics in the AI era: Opportunities for Innovation in Greece

Описание к видео Webinar - Robotics in the AI era: Opportunities for Innovation in Greece

The webinar is being organized by the Hellenic Institute of Advanced Studies in partnership with the National Technical University of Athens.

It's aim is to inform young and early stage researchers (undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers) on global robotics trends and related emerging research and business opportunities. The speakers are academics - researchers with significant activity abroad and entrepreneurs with relevant activity in Greece.

Date: Friday, February 25th 2022, 17:00 Athens time

#ΝΤUA #EMΠ #HIAS #Rector #Πρύτανης #Μπουντουβής #Boudouvis #Kyriakopoulos #Kavraki #Pappas #Triantafyllou #Alexis #Stefanakis #Chli #Fragkiadaki #Artemiades #Vougioukas #Theodorou


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