DCS: AH-64D | Hellfire II

Описание к видео DCS: AH-64D | Hellfire II


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In this DCS: AH-64D video, it’s time to talk about the AGM-114 Hellfire II missile. There are two primary versions of the Hellfire II: The Semi-Active Laser-homing version and the active radar-homing. The radar-homing version will come later during early access when we add the Fire Control Radar, or FCR. At release, we will include the AGM-114K laser version, commonly called the “SAL”.

Each AGM-114K weighs 100 pounds, has a tandem, shape-charged High-Explosive Anti-Tank warhead, with a theoretical range of 11 km, but more practically around 8 km. The motor burns for only 2.5 seconds, but it can reach Mach 1.4. Up to four can be loaded on each of the four possible Hellfire launchers.

Although it would be a heavy bird, you could carry up to 16 Hellfires into combat.

There are two principal ways to fire a Hellfire, autonomous mode in which your aircraft is laser-designating the target and Remote mode in which another aircraft or ground asset is laser designating the target for you on a matching laser frequency. We’ll first discuss autonomous mode that would be handled from the front, CP/G seat.


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