Health Tip: Have You Heard about Emotion Code and Body Code?

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Have you heard of the Emotion Code or Body Code by DR. Bradley Nelson?

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Important Safety Note: If you plan on working with magnets, and you have a pace maker or any electronic devices in your body that may deliver medication or measure something, you need to consult with your physician. For this modality, you could simply use your hands instead of the magnets.
Both of these modalities include the use of magnets ideally. If you don’t have a magnet, you can use your hand. For magnets, a fridge magnet would do & the stronger the better. You can even purchase therapeutic magnets. The idea of Emotion Code is that there are a number of emotions that can become trapped in our energy system & our bodies if they have not had the opportunity to be fully processed. These can be from childhood, from a recent interaction, anything in between & even absorbed from another person or inherited past a number of generations. These emotions can cause physical or emotional symptoms & pain. Many people & animals have healed from many simple & serious health issues using this modality. It can take time & several sessions or it might even clear up after the first session. This is a great modality because it can be done remotely & by proxy. This is how we do animals. There are many healing stories in Dr. Bradley’s books & in some videos.
There is a chart to find out which emotion it is & from which body system it is arising. Once the emotion is identified, one asks if there is anything further one needs to know about it, like your age at the time it was triggered, &/or whether or not it was absorbed from someone (you can sometimes intuit who it is) or if it was inherited from your mother or father and/or their ancestors. The body code functions in a similar way, only most of the book is the chart & sometimes one needs to clear something before clearing the most obvious issue.
This is done with either muscle testing or dowsing. One could even use any method they have of connecting with a yes or no answer with great accuracy. There are some links to techniques down below. Choose the one with which you are most comfortable if you would like to do this yourself or you can get a practitioner to do this for you. I am able to do this in person or remotely. You can contact me for an appointment if you like. I will add links for the emotion code chart. This is the best one with which to start. The body code is more involved & tend to take more time & you will need the book if you would like to do it yourself.
Once you found what needs to be released, all you need to do is swipe ideally, a magnet or your hand along the Governing meridian which starts at the indent between your nose & your mouth & ends at your coccyx. Usually, one starts at the tip of the nose & swipes over the head as far down just past the neck as you can. One needs to ask if the emotion has been cleared & if one can continue to clear another. Sometimes if it says no to doing emotion code, either the practitioner &/or the client may need to hydrate with some water or wait for a more suitable time. Often one can do more only 30 minutes to an hour after the first session is over. There is also mention of a heart wall which is a protection shield made of many trapped emotions stuck together. The book also gives instruction on how to heal &/or remove this when the time is appropriate.
How to dowse
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Tip muscle test
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Further information on Emotion code by Dr. Nelson Bradley
   • What's The Emotion Code? Dr. Bradley ...  
Longer video with details about Emotion Code
   • 🌟 The Emotion Code for Wealth! Find +...  


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