Frontotemporal Dementia Interview 5/31/15

Описание к видео Frontotemporal Dementia Interview 5/31/15

We've been interviewing my dad, who has Frontotemporal Dementia, once a year to document the disease's progress. The first was in 2012. View the other interviews on my channel to watch the progression. You can find the previous year's interview at
When he was diagnosed, he said he wanted to help other families dealing with this disease since there's way less out there about it than about Alzheimer's. We took him yearly to be interviewed by med students when he was still capable of it, so that they could learn from him. And we started doing the videos for two reasons: 1) so that other people - particularly med students (his neurologist teaches around the world and has used these videos in her lectures) - wondering how Frontotemporal Dementia progresses can see it, and 2) so that his friends who lived far away could see how he was doing.
I have published a book called Fractured Memories: Because Demented People Need Love, Too. It features 40 paintings and recounts my family's hilarious and heartbreaking journey through my dad's dementia. I’m hoping it’ll help remind everyone - not just caregivers or people with loved ones who suffer from dementia – to look for the laughter hiding amidst the pain. You can find it at or on Amazon!


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