Rebooking WrestleMania 12: The Boyhood Dream Comes True!

Описание к видео Rebooking WrestleMania 12: The Boyhood Dream Comes True!

Hello everyone since we are in WRESTLEMANIA SEASON I decided to start a series of rebooking every WRESTLEMANIA in history. In ep 12 I rebook a WrestleMania with a hyped iron man matches. I also felt some ppl deserved bigger matches on card including Owen Hart, Vader, Bulldog, & Ahmed. Also the first Mania's for Austin, HHH, and a return for Roberts, & Warrior.

Below is the match card, let me know what you think, like, comment, and sub for more WRESTLING Videos! I appreciate the support!Hello everyone since we are in WRESTLEMANIA SEASON I decided to start a series of rebooking every WRESTLEMANIA in history.

WrestleMania 12
1. WTT Championship: The BodyDonnas (c) VS The Bushwhackers
2. 123 Kid VS Hakushi
3. Marc Mero w/ Sable VS Hunter Heart Helmsley
4. Steve Austin VS Jake Roberts
5. Ultimate Warrior VS Goldust
6. IC Championship: Ahmed Johnson (c) VS British Bulldog w/ Jim Cornette
7. Rowdy Roddy Piper VS Owen Hart w/ Jim Cornette
8. Yokozuna w/ Mr. Fuji VS Vader w/ Jim Cornette
9. The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer VS Diesel
10. WWF Championship: Iron Man Match - Bret Hart (c) VS Shawn Michaels w/ Jose Lothario


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