Fighting ALGAE In A New Aquarium! Algae Eater Shrimp!

Описание к видео Fighting ALGAE In A New Aquarium! Algae Eater Shrimp!

New aquariums are subject to algae problems, especially planted tanks with high light. Fighting algae can seem like an uphill battle but reducing lighting periods, adding more live plants, algae eaters (plecos, snails and shrimp) and other methods can help.
Today, I manually remove a bunch of algae from my new planted aquarium and add some algae eating Amano shrimp which I purchased from Flip Aquatics.

Flip Aquatics website:

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God bless ya, Fish Nerds! I'll see ya next time!!

Music: Paint It! by Nicolai Heidlas
Nicolai Heidlas Music:
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