Whitney's Success Story: 100% recovery from PPPD, visual vertigo & snow as mom of 2 & business owner

Описание к видео Whitney's Success Story: 100% recovery from PPPD, visual vertigo & snow as mom of 2 & business owner

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This inspiring success story is from Whitney, a mom with 2 young kids and a business owner who is now fully recovered. Symptoms began in May of 2022 and Whitney was dragged down the medical rabbit hole with zero answers. She had dizziness, visual vertigo, visual snow, ear popping and fullness, anxiety and sleep issues. She shares candidly in this interview what it was like trying to manage trying to be there for her kids while she was so sick herself. Luckily for Whitney, her sister is an occupational therapist and gave her information about PPPD. She self diagnosed, and though her doctors confirmed, they didn't know how to help her, she found my channel. She describes in detail exactly what she did and more importantly the mindset that had to change in order to recover. Please enjoy!!!

00:00:00 Intro
00:03:25 Life was going really well when the symptoms started - "I did everything right!"
00:05:07 Whitney describes how the symptoms started, her first ER visit, doctors visits
00:08:40 Lots of visual symptoms and panic driving; everything morphed once the BPPV was resolved
00:12:27 Her world got smaller and smaller, couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, visual snow started
00:16:05 At the lowest point, she wasn't sure she was going to make it
00:22:21 "I wasn't really taking care of myself" and felt stretched too thin before symptoms started
00:25:21 Lessons she learned from a very loving family still contributed to her stress and pressure
00:30:00 Feelings of unworthiness were surfaced by the symptoms, not caused by them
00:33:38 Anxiety was lower but symptoms stayed until she found my channel
00:37:40 What set off her healing: knowing she wasn't broken
00:41:20 Off the medication, dizziness was bad for a few days but then it was fine!
00:44:05 The importance of connecting with her body and taking care of herself
00:49:49 "I was probably never going to fix... these parts of my life without something dramatic happening."
00:53:29 "You can absolutely heal, even if no one believes you but this community."
00:54:45 The loss of her childhood best friend and how that affected her personality & caused stress later on
00:57:58 What healing looks like toward the end of the process- short, brief bursts of symptoms without associated fear
01:01:15 The importance of getting the right message and the right information about how to get better
01:04:11 How to handle random sensations that occur later on
01:08:00 How she handled exposure as she started feeling better
01:10:02 Having a moment of dizziness or weirdness is normal, and the brain can stay hypervigilant for a while
00:12:25 Whitney's advice: take inventory of how you have been handling emotions and stress throughout your life- and you can heal!! DISCLAIMER: Please note that Yonit Arthur, The Steady Coach and any of our other guests are not acting as an audiologist nor offering audiology or medical services services or advice on any public videos or on any other content. This channel provides wellness education and personal opinion only, and are not meant to be a substitute for medical or mental health instruction or intervention. Use any tools discussed at your own risk.


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