Tough It Out, Baby (2024) - original rock song inspired by Webb Wilder

Описание к видео Tough It Out, Baby (2024) - original rock song inspired by Webb Wilder

Tough It Out, Baby (2024) - original rock song inspired by Webb Wilder

This is a Webb Wilder, the "Last Of The Full Grown Men", Inspired Song from Dave's Gear Store.

The Webb Wilder Credo: "Work hard, rock hard, eat hard, sleep hard, grow big, wear glasses if you need 'em!"


In the wild world of rock 'n' roll, where the amps are always cranked up to eleven and the hair is forever teased to the heavens, one man stands out like a rhinestone-studded lightning bolt—Rockin' Ricky Thunder. Born in the back of a tour bus somewhere between Nashville and the Twilight Zone, Ricky's life has been a never-ending rock 'n' roll circus.

From a young age, Ricky knew he was destined for greatness. At just five years old, he fashioned his first guitar out of an old broomstick and some fishing line, serenading the neighborhood cats (who were less than impressed). By the age of ten, he was the only kid in school who could play a guitar solo while riding a unicycle. Legend has it that he was conceived during a backstage brawl at a Webb Wilder concert, and his first words were "Work Hard, Rock Hard."

Ricky's big break came when he was discovered playing in a dive bar that doubled as a laundromat. His energetic performances and unique ability to balance a stack of laundry baskets on his head while shredding a guitar solo earned him the nickname "Rockin' Ricky." His first single, "Tough It Out, Baby (Don't Let Go)" shot him to stardom faster than a greased pig at a county fair.

When he's not setting stages on fire with his scorching guitar licks and powerful vocals, Ricky enjoys a few simple pleasures: lounging by the pool with his trusty inflatable alligator, mixing up a mean batch of nachos, and practicing his "Poolside Survivor" act. His love life is as legendary as his music, with a partner who's as fiery as his guitar solos and as steady as his rhythm.

Ricky's signature look—a blend of Elvis Presley swagger and Mad Max chic—is complemented by his unwavering commitment to the simple yet profound Webb Wilder Credo: "Work Hard, Rock Hard, Eat Hard, Sleep Hard, Grow Big, Wear glasses if you need 'em."

With a heart full of rock 'n' roll and a spirit as untamed as a wild stallion, Rockin' Ricky Thunder continues to ride the waves of fame, leaving a trail of unforgettable performances and outrageous antics in his wake. Whether he's being shot out of a cannon, surviving the chaos of a poolside party, or just living life one riff at a time, Ricky is a true testament to the power of music, love, and a really good pair of sunglasses.

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Music: Original Song Created on Suno - inspired by Webb Wilder
Video: Skeleton Frolics (Public Domain Cartoon) - pardon my first attempt at video editing :)
Webb Wilder - Last Of The Full Grown Men: look him up, you'll be glad you did


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