Women in Fintech Forum - DPE 2024

Описание к видео Women in Fintech Forum - DPE 2024

Did you know? Women account for just 9% of global fintech founders. This statistic not only reveals a stark underrepresentation but also underscores the significant gender disparity in leadership roles within the fintech industry. This gap is not merely a reflection of missed opportunities for women but also a broader issue of diversity and inclusivity within the sector.

At the Women in Fintech forum during Digital PayExpo 2024, the panelists dove deep into changing this narrative by providing an entry platform for women who had a passion for fintech. Key themes that emerged from the discussions included the importance of mentorship, access to capital, and fostering a supportive ecosystem.

From insights shared by top CEOs and founders to tackling critical topics like funding (where women-led startups received only 2.3% of global VC investments in 2020), the panelists highlighted various means participants could secure the capital needed to grow their businesses.

Join us in paving the way for more diversity and innovation in fintech!

#WomenInFintech #DigitalPayExpo2024 #inclusivity #breakingbarriers #diversity #women #EmpowerHerFintech #breakingbarriers #fintech #startup #career


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