Пари и Мирза Али покупают одежду для дома Махана. увольнение Стара

Описание к видео Пари и Мирза Али покупают одежду для дома Махана. увольнение Стара

Pari and Mirza Ali were buying clothes for Mahan's house as a gesture of goodwill and to show their respect for Mahan. However, the deportation of Mirza Ali's second wife suggests that there may have been some complications or issues within their household. It is possible that the deportation was related to legal or immigration issues, or it could have been due to personal conflicts or disagreements within the family. This event could have added tension or strain to the relationship between Pari, Mirza Ali, and Mahan, and may have influenced their decision to buy clothes for Mahan's house as a way to mend their relationship or show their regret for the situation.



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