鳴門 渦潮 観光船・うずしお汽船の高速観潮船にて Whirlpools of Naruto

Описание к видео 鳴門 渦潮 観光船・うずしお汽船の高速観潮船にて Whirlpools of Naruto

渦の映像は2分ごろからです。うずしお汽船の高速観潮船 に乗って鳴門海峡にできる渦潮を見ました。3分44秒頃に一瞬ですが大きな渦が映せました。
私が乗った高速観潮船 うずしお汽船の潮見表ページは↓

The video of the vortex is from around 2 minutes. Riding on high speed view tide ship Whirlpools steamer saw whirlpools that can be Naruto Strait. It is a moment in time 3 minutes and 44 seconds is a large vortex was Utsuse.

In order to see the exciting vortex, as much as possible in the day of the spring tide, and yet to confirm the time zone of the bloom of whirlpools in the tide table, it is recommended that you go to see in accordance with the time.
The tide table page of the high-speed sense tide ship whirlpools steamship that I rode ↓


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