Easy Semiya Payasam Recipe by Dr. Navami's vlogs || Semiya Payasam Recipe || Vermicelli Kheer Recipe

Описание к видео Easy Semiya Payasam Recipe by Dr. Navami's vlogs || Semiya Payasam Recipe || Vermicelli Kheer Recipe

Hello dear friends, I am sharing the recipe of Semiya Payasam or Vermicelli Payasam (kheer). I have prepared this payasam as a part of Onam 2020 celebration. I hope you all like the video & send me the feedbacks in the comment box.

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Onam is an annual holiday and festival celebrated in Kerala, India. ... The festival is celebrated to commemorate King Mahabali, whose spirit is said to visit Kerala at the time of Onam. Onam is a major annual event for Malayali people in and outside Kerala. Ona Sadhya (feast) is known for a number of traditional and tasty dishes! One of the most important parts of the sadhya is the payasam. So, here we have the perfect recipe to make an excellent semiya payasam for Onam.

Ingredients required for Semiya Payasam:-
Vermicelli (semiya) -300 g
Milk-1 litre
Ghee-1/4th cup
Sugar-1/3rd cup
Cardamom powder-1 tsp
sago pearls-1/3rd cup
cashews & raisins as required
condensed milk(optional)-50 ml

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