Matt Nolan Custom: In the Workshop

Описание к видео Matt Nolan Custom: In the Workshop

Here's a video shot - wonderfully - by Andy McCreeth. I use it without sound when I do exhibitions and shows around the world. It helps to say, without words, what it is that I do.

For the purposes of youtube, I have put a bit of improvised percussion music under it - "One Heartbeat in Three" by The Birdman, The Baron & The Bat, a sculptural percussion trio of Steve Hubback, Tony Orrell and me. Check out more at    / birdmanbaronbat  

The video shows various different aspects of my cymbal and gong crafting processes. Marking out and cutting metal, different stages of hammering, one of the extreme heat processes I use on Bronze and some aspects of surface decoration.

Check my youtube channel for actual demonstrations of some of the instruments that I make.

© 2009 Matt Nolan Custom
Video footage © 2009 A McCreeth
Background Music © 2008 S Hubback, T Orrell & M Nolan


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