Mastering DDD Aggregate Modeling With THESE 3 Steps

Описание к видео Mastering DDD Aggregate Modeling With THESE 3 Steps

DDD Aggregates are great! However, just understanding the basic principles of DDD Aggregates usually is just the beginning of your challenges. Mastering DDD Aggregates modeling is an art. It takes time and practice to master it. However, this video provides you with a shortcut to master DDD Aggregates modeling by following just 3 very simple steps! This implies to better understand the internals of a DDD aggregate root and the different between DDD value objects and DDD entities.

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1. Intro 00:00
2. Keep aggregates simple: 01:15
3. State changes ONLY through aggregate roots: 08:35
4. Never nest aggregates: 12:21
5. Conclusions: 16:02


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