Cyberdyne Hybrid Assistive Limb Overview | Brooks Rehabilitation

Описание к видео Cyberdyne Hybrid Assistive Limb Overview | Brooks Rehabilitation

In this video, physical therapist at Brooks Neuro Recovery Center, Bob McIver, introduces Cyberdyne's Hybrid Assistive Limb, also known as HAL.

HAL is unique in the way that it helps to treat our patients and that it picks up the body's small electrical signals and allows to transform that into movements that the patients are actually performing. Unlike traditional passive exoskeletons, Cyberdyne is actually the patient's movements. It can be contoured to fit a patient's body, a patient's legs, and contoured to their feet as well. This allows the patient to produce the most effective, most efficient movement while participating in therapy.

We're proud to be able to offer Cyberdyne's Hybrid Assisted Limb and many other unique technologies to the field of rehab at Brooks Rehabilitation.

Learn more about the Hybrid Assistive Limb at

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At Brooks Rehabilitation, we have more than 50 years of expertise in providing medical rehabilitation services. Our highly trained clinicians provide the most advanced therapy and medical care, along with the compassion, motivation, and hope to help people reach their highest level of recovery.


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