Extract Edges tool (AutoCAD 3D Tutorials)

Описание к видео Extract Edges tool (AutoCAD 3D Tutorials)

In AutoCAD, you can extract edges from 3D objects by utilizing various techniques. One approach is to use the "Edge" selection method while in the "Edit Polyline" or "Edit Spline" mode. This allows you to select individual edges of 3D objects and extract them as separate entities.

To extract edges using this method, you would select the desired 3D object, activate the "Edit Polyline" or "Edit Spline" mode, and then choose the "Edge" selection method. You can then select the edges you want to extract, and AutoCAD will create separate polyline or spline entities based on those edges. These extracted entities can be modified independently or used for further operations.

Another method to extract edges in AutoCAD is by converting 3D objects to 2D wireframe representations. This can be achieved by using the "FLATSHOT" command, which creates a 2D representation of a selected view of a 3D object. The resulting 2D representation consists of lines and arcs representing the visible edges of the 3D object.

To extract edges using this method, you would invoke the "FLATSHOT" command, specify the view you want to create, and set the desired options, such as the layer and scale. AutoCAD will generate a 2D representation of the 3D object based on the specified view, with visible edges as separate line and arc entities. These extracted edges can be used for various purposes, such as creating 2D drawings or performing specific operations on the edges.

While AutoCAD may not have a dedicated "Extract Edges" tool, these methods allow you to effectively extract edges from 3D objects and work with them as separate entities. Remember to consult the AutoCAD documentation or explore the specific version you are using for detailed instructions on the available tools and commands.


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