Italian Supercar by Codemasters - 1990 - Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Complete Play Through - Retro Gaming

Описание к видео Italian Supercar by Codemasters - 1990 - Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Complete Play Through - Retro Gaming

Italian Supercar, the sequel to Super Stunt Man, was a rare game from the absolute kings of budget priced Speccy games, Codemasters, that didn't feature the word "simulator" in the title. The company that went on to produce Colin McRae Rally, TOCA Touring Cars and the F1 series of games befoe being absorbed into Electronic Arts and being lost forever.

These retrosepective videos are for nostalgia purposes. I'm not expecting anyone to watch them all the way through, in some cases I'm barely able to play them let alone watch them. They're posted just for gamers of my generation to take a quick trip back down memory lane, or for younger games to experience what home gaming was like in the 1980's.

Born in 1978, my family had a rubber-keyed Sinclair ZX Spectrum from 1984 onwards for "educational" purposes, which ultimately led to me owning nearly 370 original games which I still have. I also still have that original ZX Speccy, as seen on the wall in the video, along with the follow-up ZX Spectrum 128k+2.


00:00 - Intro
00:28 - The Game


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