Everest: Too High a Price | Matt Dickinson | TEDxJohnLyonSchool

Описание к видео Everest: Too High a Price | Matt Dickinson | TEDxJohnLyonSchool

Everest summiteer and author of ‘The Death Zone’ and Teen trilogies ‘Mortal Chaos’ and ‘The Everest Files’, talks through the problem with climbing Everest today - the cost in human life and the cost to the mountain. He proposes a way forward that might not only save the mountain from being closed to climbers, but also preserve its beauty and spiritual heritage.

Matt Dickinson is an explorer, mountaineer,
filmmaker and author, best known for
filming and writing about the world’s most
famous mountain, Everest. During his
filmmaking career he has worked as a
director/cameraman for National Geographic
television, the Discovery Channel, the BBC
and Channel 4. His film projects have taken
him to Antarctica, Africa and the Himalaya,
often in the company of the world’s leading
climbers and expeditioners. Matt also writes
fiction for teenage readers, including
The Everest Files, a dramatic and popular
trilogy. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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