West Virginia Whitetail Archery Hunt | Big Bucks EVERYWHERE! | Public Land

Описание к видео West Virginia Whitetail Archery Hunt | Big Bucks EVERYWHERE! | Public Land

Carsen and Kaden left for West Virginia the night before Wisconsin gun deer season. This would be our first year missing our home state rifle season but we had a blast chasing public land whitetails in the mountains of WV with our bows. You may wonder how we picked WV as our destination, a private message from a WV resident turned into weeks of exchanging information and ultimately making the drive down to hunt with him.

Our Gear,
Bow | Mathews Vertix | https://www.mathewsinc.com/vertix/
Sight | Spot Hogg Fast Eddie | https://spot-hogg.com/fast-eddie-mrt-...
Rest | QAD Ultra Rest | https://www.qadinc.com/ultrarest/
Arrows | Gold Tip Airstrike | https://www.goldtip.com/Hunting/AirSt...
Vanes | AAE Pro Max | https://arizonaarchery.com/product/pr...
Camera Arm | Fourth Arrow | https://www.fourtharrowcameraarms.com/
Camera | Sony A6600 | https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/produc...
Camo | Sitka | https://www.sitkagear.com/

Bow | Halon 6 | https://www.mathewsinc.com/
Sight | HHA Tetra | https://www.hhasports.com/tetra/
Rest | QAD Ultra Rest | https://www.qadinc.com/ultrarest/
Arrows | Easton Axis | https://eastonarchery.com/arrows_/5mm...
Vanes | Tac Driver 2" |
Camera | Sony HXR NX80 | https://pro.sony/ue_US/products/handh...


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