Baldur's Gate 3: Bardadin Solo Sarevok | ONE TURN | Honour Mode

Описание к видео Baldur's Gate 3: Bardadin Solo Sarevok | ONE TURN | Honour Mode

7 Swords Bard / 2 Oath of Vengeance Paladin / 2 Fighter
Starting Ability Scores: 8 / 16 / 14 / 8 / 12 / 16
Feat(s): Savage Attacker
Race: Vampire Ascendant Astarion
0:00 - Preparation
2:35 - Combat
4:00 - Review

Strategy (there is a lot to break down, but I will try my best to explain everything):
- Elixir of Cloud Giant Strength allows me to bring my strength higher than I can bring my Dexterity, so I make the choice to scale my weapon damage with my strength modifier rather than my dexterity modifier.
- Drakethroat Glaive allows me to add an extra 1d4 of elemental damage to my weapon attacks, as Sarevok has no resistances, any of the damage types are viable.
- Transfusing health on "Us" grants me Blood Thirst, allowing my weapon attacks to deal an extra 2 Necrotic damage as long as I don't have full health. I drink health potions afterwards as you only need to be below full (99%).
- Gloves of Automaton's effect, "Circuitry Interface", grants all my attack rolls advantage. We switch back to the Glove of the Master's as the effect persists through unequip.
- Scroll of Haste enables the concentration requirement on the Strange Conduit Ring, dealing an extra 1d4 Psychic damage on all weapon attacks.
- Scroll of Mirror Image significantly increases my armor class. In the case that your first attack is not a critical (and thus, you cannot Paralyze Sarevok via the amulet to deny reactions), it is important to mitigate your chance of getting hit to avoid the risk of breaking concentration on Haste.
- Inquisitor's Might is the best use of my Channel Oath Charge, dealing an additional 3 Radian damage with weapon attacks and possible Dazing targets.
- Us initiates combat such that I do not waste an action entering combat. Unlike my Gloomstalker videos that utilize Assassin, my first action is not refunded upon entering combat. The "surprise" of Us attacking is inconsequential.
- I spend my first reaction on the Surgeon's Amulet, paralyzing Sarevok will guarantee critical hits on all subsequent attack rolls and allow me to save the crit's held by Luck of the Far Realms and Killer's Sweetheart on the Echo's.
- Bhaalist armor grants me Aura of Murder, making all enemies within 3m vulnerable to piercing damage. As Duelist's Prerogative deals piercing damage (along with all other damage riders), I deal double damage to Sarevok on weapon attacks.
- Sentinel Shield is only used to enter combat to maximize my chance of winning initiative over Sarevok. Once combat has begun, I unequip the shield to gain the bonus from the Dueling fighting style and the bonus attack from Duelist's Prerogative.

- Vampire Ascendant Astarion has the highest potential damage output of all companions, including Tav/Durge. However, in this playthrough, I had my Durge character withstand the Zaith'isk. To truly minmax, allowing Astarion to go into the Zaith'isk would have allowed me to cast Psionic Overload as a bonus action, adding a further 1d4 psychic damage to all weapon attacks.
- I was level 11 during the time of recording, level 12 is put into Bard 8 and allows me to get my second feat, which could further damage output through choices such as ASI on Charisma +2.

Mods Used:
Aether's Black Dye
Transmog Enhanced
Remove Camera Move
Epilogue Camp Clothes


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