SHINE down! - Hand in the SKy (Full Album Stream)

Описание к видео SHINE down! - Hand in the SKy (Full Album Stream)


I was unaware of this when I made teh channel, and this video.---

I am aware that the audio is clipping in one spot somewhere. I thought it sounded cool and "fit the track", so I kept it that way.

I feel.. that I did this right!

I believe it inm track 9 - there are some edits in the track to make the sound "dip" and "clip". This is me fixing the track! But it's a bit cheesy.

I wanted something to sound like it's actually clipping somewhere.

After rendering, sometimes the tracks necp,e altered. It's rare, but possible. It's possible that there could be clipping in other places that I could be unaware of, OR COULD HAVE MISSED, so.... it's fine.

To be honest, I'm a bit embarassed about it, an I don't want peopl eto hear it/.

---- for new, and young youtube channels, urls are forbidden. bun. -- ba n banner.,

Here is the link to the page. Facebook is not allowing links. It is not allowing me to do the two-step verification- no prompt for it. It just isn;t allowing without showing a promp for the 2 step verification. but it was before! No deal. Thanks anway.


^ Take out the space!

Thank you to everyone who listens to this album! Y

You can check out the Hand in the SKy facebook page by searcihing "Hand in the sky" on facebook. Please feel free to "like" the page, or "follow' _ or both!! for updates and o fcourse funny stuff too!!

You can also subscribe to the channel. :)


Reverse Gangbang./The Power Of Love - 2:58
Watching Pornography - 8:17
One VS the WOrld 12:30
Turn That Down - 17:40
Kraff Dinner - 21:26
Spaghetti - 26:52
Hard Drive - 29:37
Cowgirl 34:57
An Improvised Track. an improvised track. It is improvised.

I came up with the first riff at home. I was just messing around with it. I opened up pro tools, immediately afterwards,. and started playing..

47L38 = 47L55 There is a riff near the end which was pre-written from before, but it was also altered a bit from how it was originally sounded, which I decided to throw in. Aside from this, it really is on the spot. I promise!

DUring the original performance, near the end, I paused for over a minute. I was very nervous an I was shaking from how good this was. I was freaking out! The edit is at 47:21;\ to sound continuous.

NOT IMPROV- The Tip of the Gaints Foot

The Empty Shoe - 48:44
The Darkness Calls - 51:23
The Scary - 54:29
Growng Up - 58:06
Together 1:02:38
When I go to Bed.. I die - 1:07L49
...And I Wake Up... Stronger Than All! 1:12:35
The Hand Drops Down 1:18:34

Mixed by Me Nikkolai Zephaniah Desousa,
using the Pro Tools Plugins and paid plugins by Avid.
Mastered by Nikkolai Zephaniah Desousa,
Mastered with the Landr Mastering Pro Plugin.

All music written and composed by Nikkolai Zephaniah Desousa
Produced by Nikolai!

Enjoy the album. I know it's a big one!

Lyrics for trac lk 14:

when i go to bed, I die...

My balls are up to 11

Thanks facebook!

im a sociopath
not goin to heaven

will i die tonight
or will i die tommorrow
Some live forever but
I live in sorrow

Age 634
or age 92
I'd like to live that long but
My time is ending soon

Grab a skateboard
and do a kickflip
I can do an ollie but
some can do so much more
I would love to be immortal
for those who pass on
besides me

People die every day but
WHen your loved ones die
it's only soemthing else.

"Someone died toay"
they said on the news
but nobody cared
only if... it was them

1:21 (4)
Don't ignore me
I deserve attention
I will viist one thousand planets
and feel heat
from one hundred suns

I will make a discovery
to advance human kind
Nothing to treat myself
only for many others

I do not need pity
I do not need grace
A touch from your face
would be

Come with me
on an everlong journey
Where we begin our quest
for a lifelong test

Knee deep in the trenches
We must stay together
Take hold of my hand
Like taking hold of a feather

If we should separate
call my name
and i'll
come running
I promise

Don't stray too far
stay close
and we'll
be just fine

It'll be alright
we may die
but if we do
we'll die

Immortal or not
we'll live in paradise
Something we can share together
just the two of us
2:17(2:20) ish
BUt our paradise may be destroyed
Or torn apart
and we will be unhappy

But not if we stay true
to ourselves
and eachother

Grow a pair of wings
and fly through hte sky
together as one

it will be our

If your wings star to fail
you will fall
but I will make sure
to protect you
with my own

we will conquer all



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