Final Fantasy VII - How to get 134,400,000 Gil in 5 mins

Описание к видео Final Fantasy VII - How to get 134,400,000 Gil in 5 mins


‣ 3 weapons with 8 materia slots and AP growth (ultimate weapons dont have AP growth). Those weapons are: Enhance Sword, Solid Bazooka, Centclip, Spiral Shuriken, Oritsuru, Silver M-phone, Gold M-phone, Starlight Phone, Long Barrel R, Outsider and Dragoon Lance.
‣ 3 armors with 8 materia slots and AP growth: Wizard Bracelet.
‣ 960,000 Gil to buy 48 "All" materias (20,000 Gil each).

After buying 48 "All" materias i equiped each character with 16 of them. To master "All" Materia is needed a total of 35,000 AP, Emerald Weapon and Ruby Weapon give 50,000 AP each, enough to master 48 per battle. After selling those 96 mastered "All" materias i earned 134,400,000 Gil (1,400,000 per materia). In total i got 134,480,000 Gil (if we add 80k for killing Emerald Weapon and Ruby Weapon).

This is the fastest method to unlock "Coming Up All Nines" Trophy / "Master of Gil" Archievement (99,999,999 Gil).


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