CyberGuard Compliance SOC 3 Audit Overview

Описание к видео CyberGuard Compliance SOC 3 Audit Overview

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The SOC 3 Report, just like SOC 2, is based upon the Trust Service Principles and Criteria.

As such, many clients who undergo the SOC 2 audit, also choose to undergo the SOC 3 audit for the high level of overlap between the two audits. SOC 3 reports are often viewed as a “Marketing” report because unlike SOC 2 reports, which are restricted use reports, SOC 3 reports are general use reports.

This means upon attainment of an unqualified opinion, SOC 3’s can be freely distributed or posted on your website as a seal for one full calendar year from the date of issue.

This is important, as the report can provide comfort to your company’s many key stakeholders including customers, business partners, creditors, bankers, regulators, and other stakeholders who may rely on your information technology systems.

A SOC 3 audit must be performed by a licensed CPA firm and can be a key differentiator in today’s competitive global market.

With today’s dependence on information systems, SOC 3 audits provide comfort to all stakeholders around key business processes by ensuring information systems provide secure, timely, and reliable information, while maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of information.

CyberGuard is based in the United States and serves clients around the globe.

Feel free to contact us:
+1 (866) 480 9485
[email protected]

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