ICO - Understanding Yorda

Описание к видео ICO - Understanding Yorda

This time we're exploring the various physical responses and actions of our friend Yorda. It seems that my videos focusing on her always end up being my longest! And for good reason, as there's a lot to share! More than I even anticipated when I started this.

The game is so much richer for having these emerging character moments. The ability for AI to behave differently when exposed to certain stimuli feels like a pretty undeveloped concept, even in modern game releases.

The only other series that I remember really setting out to deeply explore emergent NPC reactions is the Half-Life series. It seems to me that #ico stands out even now because it shares that attention to detail.

Footage was captured via PCSX 2 running the PS2 PAL version.

My Website: https://icoshrine.neocities.org/
My Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/mystic_ode
My Tumblr:   / mysticode54  

00:00 - Intro

01:07 - Part 1

01:12 - (Ico Ledge Trip)

01:54 - (Ico Injury)

03:09 - (Ico Dangling Over Fall)

03:57 - (Ico Asleep On Sofa)

05:40 - Part 2

05:57 - (Yorda Sighting Shadows)

07:28 - (Yorda Refusing To Drop)

09:08 - (Yorda Refusing To Swim)

10:48 - (Sounds That Startle Yorda)

12:47 - Part 3

12:54 - (Yorda Chasing Birds)

14:15 - (Yorda Climbing Boxes)

15:21 - (Yorda At Waterfall)

17:11 - (Yorda Running Ahead)


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