Dynasty Warriors Gundam - All Character Intros + Unique Suit Quotes

Описание к видео Dynasty Warriors Gundam - All Character Intros + Unique Suit Quotes

This one toke AWHILE to set up. Stupid RNG.

Everyone has three normal quotes for when you enter a stage, and usually one for their own suit, and at most one unique quote for a suit they don't usually wear.

I've been wanting to do this video for a long time now. I would have gotten it done sooner but I lost the work files from my original go at this game, which is fine because I wanted HD quality anyways, but man, what really held this project back was the RNG of each character line. It takes about a minute each time you load up to a stage with character and suit.

And it feels like the quote you want to hear for the suit you are wearing has like a 10% chance of showing up (I didn't actually get Amuro's Funnels quote until my 4th session into recording these intros). And then sometimes, when you want a normal quote, you get it 5 times more! (was doing that with Matser Asia).

Either way, after all that there are still two quotes that I am not even sure are around. One for Puru-Two inside her Qubeley and Master Asia in his Master Gundam. I'm not even sure if they do have one, but they kind of stand out in that regard. I want to say Puru-Two doesn't have one because she doesn't care to reference her suit (plus she mainly uses the big green one anyways), but for Master Asia I have no idea why.


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