Sarah Zaman | Ab Dehr Men | Celebrating 30 Years of WAF | Lahore | February | 2012

Описание к видео Sarah Zaman | Ab Dehr Men | Celebrating 30 Years of WAF | Lahore | February | 2012

Sarah Zaman singing Habib Jalib’s poetry “Ab Dehr Men” at Celebrating 30 Years of WAF 1981-2011 held at Punjabi Cultural Complex, Qaddafi Stadium Lahore in February 2012.

The Women’s Action Forum (WAF) is a consciousness raising, lobbying and activist forum that has been in the forefront of the women’s movement in Pakistan. WAF is committed to a just and peaceful society based on democracy in the public and private spheres. It upholds and fights for a secular state pitting itself against the dominant narrative. WAF is opposed to all forms of discrimination, whether on the basis of sex, gender, class, religion, ethnicity or location. It takes the position that patriarchy and its structures: social, economic and discursive, are the root cause of the marginalization, subordination, exploitation and oppression of women.


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