Fundamentals of svn | Top Docs with Jay LaCroix

Описание к видео Fundamentals of svn | Top Docs with Jay LaCroix

Subversion (SVN) is a centralized version control system. Used by software developers to track changes during the production and maintenance of a project. In this video, ‪@LearnLinuxTV‬ goes over the basics of svn including basic commands and options for your toolset.

0:00 Introduction
1:00 Install svn
1:48 Check svn version
2:00 Copy a repository to local
3:30 Checkout command shorthand
3:50 Update local copy
5:00 Adding a file to a repo
6:07 Deleting a file from a repo
7:16 Adding a new directory to a repo
7:46 Moving a file
9:08 Get repo information
9:40 Obtain repo status with verbosity
10:18 Committing your changes
11:32 Conclusion

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Read the doc for more information on svn→
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