MULTIFOCAL GLASSES BUYING GUIDE: eyeglass options when you need a bifocal or progressive or readers

Описание к видео MULTIFOCAL GLASSES BUYING GUIDE: eyeglass options when you need a bifocal or progressive or readers

MULTIFOCAL GLASSES BUYING GUIDE: eyeglass options when you need a bifocal or progressive or readers. Great tips on glasses optons when you have presbyopia or are starting to loose your ability to focus up close.

Don't forget to watch our other videos in our presbypoia playlist.

In this video I summarize the options in eye glasses you have when you have presbyopia or when you need multifocals. It is a great buying guide to get you started on what to look for.

Hey everyone so you have been to your eye doctor and they have diagnosed you with Presbyopia..or the loss of your focusing ability. So what are the options you have to help you see better. Today we are talking about what options you have in glasses to manage your presbyopia. Good optometry morning!

So I am assuming you have a basic understanding of presbyopia, but if you don’t you might want to check out my WHY CAN’T I SEE UP CLOSE VIDEO on PRESBYOPIA. But here I am going to describe options for eye glass options for presbyopia.

So the one sentence summary is that with presbyopia you need a different glasses prescription for each distance you work at…one for driving, one for reading, one for computer, etc etc. So that brings us to the first option: Single vision lenses. We use the term single vision to describe lenses that will focus at one distance only.

So you can have SV distance for driving. Single vision reading for reading. And Single vision computer for computer. Basically, we can make a lens that is focused at one distance but will only have a certain depth of field or focus so as you move away from that distance things will get more blurry. The great thing about single vision lens is that everywhere you look in the lens it will be clear…but the downside is you have to switch between glasses to see at different distances.

So taking glasses on and off can be a hassle so if you combine more that one prescription into the same lens….then you get a multifocal.

There are 4 main types of Multifocals
Multifocal: Bifocal
Multifocal: Trifocal
Multifocal Progressives
Multifocal Office Lens or Task Lenses

I describe in the video the differences between bifocals and trifocals and progressives.
I also talk about how there are many different types of progressive and give you some buying tips on progressive lenses.
It is also really important to take note of the office or task specific lens. this is an important lens for those of you that use a computer all day long and it it likely to become your favourite lens.

If you have other questions please leave a comment or question below.

Have a great optometry day!


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