A Penguin Play Date at the Saint Louis Zoo

Описание к видео A Penguin Play Date at the Saint Louis Zoo

Here at Penguin & Puffin Coast, our dedicated animal care staff has had the privilege of watching our male king penguin chick grow up over the past 3 ½ months. The chick is currently around 16 kg or a little over 35 pounds. Although he is close to adult size and weight, he is still sporting his fluffy grayish-brown down feathers. Over the next few months, he will lose that fluffy down and grow in adult plumage, which is the black and white feathers that most people associate with penguins. Once this happens, his feathers will be waterproof, and he will be able to re-join the colony down on habitat. Until then, we have been offering him play dates behind the scenes at Penguin & Puffin Coast with some of the Gentoo, rockhopper and king penguins. This allows him to socialize with others, which is important for his development. As you can see, he is very vocal and excited when the others come upstairs to play. Listen closely and you will hear him vocalize like an adult for the first time! -Sydney Oliveira, Zoological Manager, Birds


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