BBQ Pork Chops & Hasselback Potatoes for supper! | Southern Family Cooking

Описание к видео BBQ Pork Chops & Hasselback Potatoes for supper! | Southern Family Cooking

BBQ Pork Chops & Hasselback Potatoes for supper! | Southern Family Cooking

Hasselback Potatoes
8 tablespoons butter, melted
1/4 cup olive oil
salt and freshly ground black pepper
6 medium russet potatoes, washed
1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
Stir together the butter, olive oil, and some salt and pepper in a small bowl.
Place a potato between the handles of 2 wooden spoons. Slice the potato into thin slices, leaving 1/4 inch at the bottom unsliced; the spoon handles will prevent you from slicing the potato all the way through.
Put the potatoes on a baking sheet and brush on the butter mixture, making sure to get in between all the slices. Sprinkle on parmesan cheese.
Bake until tender and crisp, 55 to 60 minutes.


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