Common Post Installation Tasks SQL Server 2019 | SQL Server post-installation configuration tuning

Описание к видео Common Post Installation Tasks SQL Server 2019 | SQL Server post-installation configuration tuning

Post-Installation Setup and Configuration
Verify following parameters after the installation of Microsoft SQL Server 2019:
Verifying that remote connections are allowed to the SQL Server
Enabling TCP/IP Protocol for SQL Server Network Configuration
Assigning a Static TCP Port to the SQL Server Database Engine
Configuring Surface Area
Verifying Remote Connectivity
Access Server Management Studio:
In the Object Explorer in the left pane, right-click the INSTANCE NAME and select Properties in the context menu.
In the Server Properties window, click Connections and verify that the Allow remote connections to this server checkbox in the Remote server connections section is checked. If not, please check it.
Assigning a Static TCP Port
This is a one-time procedure to be performed on the Server that hosts the instance of SQL Server to indicate which protocol to use when communicating with remote clients.
This procedure uses the TCP/IP protocol.
The default instance of the Microsoft SQL Server Database engine listens on TCP port 1433.
When connecting to a named instance through a Firewall, configure the Database Engine to listen on a specific TCP port, so that the appropriate port can be opened in the Firewall.
Assigning a Static TCP Port .
Launch SQL Server 2019 Configuration Manager.
In the Console pane, expand SQL Server Network Configuration, expand Protocols for instance, and then double-click TCP/IP.
In the dialog box, in the IP Addresses tab, several IP addresses appear, in the format IP1, IP2, up to IP All. The IP is used for the loopback adapter. Additional IP addresses appear for each IP Address on the computer. If the TCP Dynamic Ports dialog boxes contain 0, delete the 0.
In the IP Properties area box, in all the TCP Port text boxes, type the port number 1433 and then click OK.
Assigning a Static TCP Port .
After setting the protocol you must restart the SQL Server service. In the Console pane, click SQL Server Services. In the details pane, right-click SQL Server (XMPIE) and then click Restart, to restart SQL Server service.
The static TCP Port number 1433 is now defined.
Configuring Surface Area (Tracking DB)
Log in to SQL Server Management Studio
On the Object Explorer in the left pane, right-click on the INSTANCE NAME and click Facets
The View Facets window is displayed. From the Facets dropdown menu, choose Surface Area Configuration.
SQL Server 2019, SQL Server 2019 Post-Installation and Configuration, SQL Server 2019 Verifying Remote Connectivity, SQL Server 2019 Enable TCP/IP Protocol, SQL Server Assigning a Static TCP Port, SQL Server Configuring Surface Area, SQL Server 2019 Connection Options,
Start & Stop SQL Server Services, SQL Server Verify Automatic Startup of Services, Start Stop Pause SQL Server Services
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