One Life to Live 4/10/1991

Описание к видео One Life to Live 4/10/1991

As Alex arrives home, she is still embarrassed by her behavior in New York, feeling that she stepped over a line. Bo tries to reassure her that they are fine. They have a good heart-to-heart, but they are interrupted when Lisa wakes up and comes out to check on them. Bo thinks he should leave so they can both go to bed, After Bo leave, Alex snaps at Lisa for interrupting, saying Bo would have stayed if she hadn’t gotten involved. Alex immediately regrets her words and tone, and she apologizes to Lisa. Max comes home to find a woman he doesn’t recognize sitting in Asa’s living room. He asks who she is and LeeAnn (Yasmine Bleeth) introduces herself. She is surprised when Max introduces himself–she expected someone older, balder, and rounder. Jake proposes a toast to Megan and to their new home. After the party breaks up, Lucky says they can bring the bed back to Megan’s loft until the place is fully ready, if that’s what they want. Megan says she’d actually like to stay the night, though she and Jake are unnerved by some of the sounds that seem to emanate from the walls of the place. Jake says he’ll go upstairs and check to make sure the place isn’t haunted.

Carlo confronts Julia about giving his money to DuAnn. While he keeps Julia occupied, Walter breaks into her hotel room. Later he presents Carlo with the envelope full of letters Julia removed from Max and Gabrielle’s house. He also turns over a letter Gabrielle sent from Statesvile. Max and Bo go for drinks, and Bo admits he’s been inconsistent with Alex. LeeAnn marvels at the palace her mother is currently living in. DuAnn talks up Max and how much of an eligible bachelor he is. LeeAnn admits he was quite charming. Jake finds the source of the eerie sound–a broken chimney vent, but a poltergeist–and fixes the problem. Jake comes back covered in soot, but Megan suggests a champagne bath can remedy that problem. Kerry invites Rika to come to Atlantic City with him for his gig. Rika says the timing is perfect, since her sister is headed to Hawaii for a conference. Kerry thinks that’s suspicious, since his father is also headed out of town with some fancy new luggage. Alone in her empty bedroom, Alex fantasizes about Bo coming to her and suggesting they spend the night together. Bo visits Sarah’s grave. Megan and Jake make good use of Megan’s bed at their new house.


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